Friday, April 1, 2011

Limits aren't always bad

In the spirit of the change movement that has swept the country, I'd like to bring up a topic that has been discussed often, and then is just as often dismissed.  I'd like to remind everyone about the possibility of term limits for Congress.

We, as a people, have determined that it is the right decision to, generally, limit the President to two terms in office.  But we have had, or currently have, politicians who have served in the House and Senate for over fifty years.  On average, Congress is comprised of House Members that will have served five two year terms (ten years) and Senators will have served two six year terms (twelve years).

There are many problems that term limits could help address.  Spending in Congress has been out of control recently.  Term limits would naturally limit this spending due to the fact that the official wouldn't have to be concerned with re-election.  This would likely limit the use of earmarks or creation of tax loopholes.  Lobbyists wouldn't have the crucial carrot of money for leverage when they have an audience with our officials.  Bureaucracies would grow at a smaller rate, if at all.  And the individuals would be less likely to abuse their position as someone who has been in the system for much longer.

As with the Presidency, new ideas and plans would be introduced  on a regular basis.  More citizens will have the opportunity to be involved in the system and possibly serve.  The entitlement mentality of the current members would be gone.  No longer will the prerequisite for chairing a committee be the length of service, but the merits of the individual.  I believe this would set up a productive and competitive environment where the people's work would get done faster and smarter than in our current system.

Of course the problem with initiating such a system is that the individuals who would be voting for the measure would have the most to lose by passing it.  And, that being the case, you can see why this idea is dropped almost as soon as it is brought up.  We, the citizenry, would have to demand a change like this from our leaders.  We must remind them that they are elected to do our work.  And not as a career, but as a passion.  Given the chance, I'd vote for term limits today to create real change in our governing system.

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