Friday, April 29, 2011

Too many pokers in the fire

Over the years the government has grown. It has become enormous in breath and scope trying to serve the people. New programs, expanded services, continuing and growing regulations, oversight, licensing, and numerous departments, task forces, bureaus, agencies, etc. are created and given more responsibility every year. It succeeds in some of these tasks. In others, however, almost everyone agrees that the government may not be the best entity to manage the endevour.

There is constant discussion and debate about making schools better for our children. Standards are created. Children are tested. Teachers are scrutinized. Schools are put on closure lists just to be re-purposed into another school with the same students and a different name. This seems to be an area where government has failed to live up to the expectations of its people. People are looking to create a system that works. To me, the private sector has created a system that works. Anecdotal and empirical data prove that, time and time again, private schools outperform public schools.

The majority of people agree that society benefits from educating our children. Government is efficient in funding schools, but I don't think they should run the schools. Possibly, we could create a system of vouchers or reimbursement to schools directly for the children that attend. There may even be a system that everyone could agree on to reward good grades. As a professional returning to college, I know that I am highly motivated to make good grades that result in my employer reimbursing me for a portion of my expenses. Parents could be incented to get involved with their kids school work if it lessens their tax burden or results in a higher valued voucher. Students would likely repay society in the long run by being more productive members of society. The free market would most likely clear out the poor performing schools. Teachers that aren't able to produce results would probably be weeded out as well. It may be time to bring this service back to the people and give our society a boost toward being as highly educated as possible.

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